NFRDI president Kim Youngman welcomed the visit of Senegalese delegation of congressmen for a meeting to discuss on the project of Marine Aquaculture Center in Senegal which is being jointly promoted by the Korean and Seneglise governments.
25 2010.06No : 10 조회수 : 2,956NFRDI Welcomes the Visit of Senegalses Congressmen
14 2010.06No : 9 조회수 : 2,899Mr. Kim Youngman Takes Office as New President of NFRDI
NFRDI Welcomed its new president named Kim Youngman on June 10, 2010. Mr. Kim addressed to the employees to express his vision and resolution as the new president.
11 2010.06No : 8 조회수 : 2,968Korea-Brazil Meeting
President Kim Youngman of NFRDI welcomed on June 11, 2010 Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Brazil, Mr. Altemir Gregolin, who made a visit to Korea to establish MOU with Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Forestry and Fisheries of Korea. They had in-depth talks on how to facilitate cooperation activities in fisheries area of Brazil and Korea.
18 2010.05No : 7 조회수 : 4,099Ichiro Nomura, Assistant Director-General, FAO visits to NFRDI
Mr. Ichiro nomura, Assistant Director-General, FAO, made a visit to NFRDI on May 11 and exchanged opinions on the management of fisheries resources by global community. The FAO\'s senior officer was staying in Korea for a FAO meeting held in Busan, Korea
19 2010.04No : 6 조회수 : 3,406NFRDI and Department of Fisheries, Sabah, Malaysia Met
NFRDI and the Department of Fisheries, Sabah, Malaysia met in Busan, Korea on April 15 to talk on research cooperation for fisheries science. Scientists from the two organizations had in-depth discussions on cooperation on fish aquaculture, seaweeds, aritificial reefs, redtide, etc.
31 2010.03No : 5 조회수 : 3,16910 millions of Salmon Seeds Released
The Coldwater Fish Research Center, NFRDI threw on 25 March, 2010 in the city of Yangyang of East Sea, South Korea, a salmon seed release event where a total of 10 million salmon seeds including 600 eyed eggs with chemical tags in otolith were set free. In that event, senior government officers of fisheries, head of Yangyang city government, local residents and about 200 young children took part in.
12 2010.02No : 4 조회수 : 3,177Workshop for Future Direction of Korea-US Cooperation Project of Fisheries Science
Marking the 10th anniversary of the Korea-US Cooperation Project for Fisheries Science, NFRDI held a workshop to discuss a new momentum for the Korea-US cooperation project. The workshop was attended by various experts from the government, research organization and university
03 2010.02No : 3 조회수 : 3,026Visit by Japans FRA Delegation to Talk on Nemopilema nomurai
NFRDI President Lim Kwangsoo welcomed on January 22, 2010, a delegation of Fisheries Research Agency of Japan headed by FRA President Nakamae Akira and had discussions on research cooperation on Nemopilema nomurai, a common issue for both countries and on joint survey of Korea, Japan and China on East China Sea.
15 2010.01No : 2 조회수 : 3,399Korea-Japan Joint Workshop
NFRDI held a Korea-Japan Joint Workshop in Cetacean Research Institute of NFRDI on November 24, 2009 to mark an opening of Whale Ecology Museum in Ulsan, Korea. Experts from the both countries discussed on current status and future direction of the cetacean studies at the event.
23 2008.01No : 1 조회수 : 4,891Welcom to National Fisheries Research2008-01-23
Welcom to National Fisheries Research