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Press Release

National Institute of Fisheries Science
This is a table provided by the National Fisheries Science Institute.
Encouraging to Use Biodegradable Fishing Lines
Author administrator Date 2010-02-17 Read 3,817
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Encouraging to Use Biodegradable Fishing Lines


Korean Government decided to subsidize biodegradable fishing lines


▶ MIFAFF (Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) has announced to give an incentive to fishers if they replace conventional nylon fishing lines by biodegradable ones. The incentive, in which the government will support 20% what it additionally costs to buy the biodegradable fishing lines, is aimed to boost the fishers to use the eco-friendly fishing nets.


▶ The nylon fishing lines are by now dominantly used in fishing activities. While the synthetic fibered lines are favored because of its long shelf life, it is often to blame for endangering marine habitat as it lasts long when lost and stock under water.


▶ To deal with the problem, the NFRDI research team pulled it off to develop eco-friendly gill net for snow crab in 2006, which was one of the world\' first. It naturally breaks down in 2 years by marine micro-organisms like bacteria and fungus.   


▶ The efforts are now being continued on fishing nets for yellow croaker, blue crab, red snow crab, shrimp, flounder, conger eel and whiparm octopus. However the biodegradable nets costs twice to three times more than the conventional ones, hindering the fishers from buying them.


▶ The Korean government has thus started since 2007 to support what the fishers should additionally pay to replace the nylon nets by the biodegradable ones.   


▶ The subsidy helps to establish user\'s base. The government is phasing in the full-blown use of biodegradable fishing nets by gradually reducing the cost and upgrading the quality at the same time.


▶ According to a survey conducted by professor Park Seong Quae of Pukyeong National University of 60 fishers on how effective the biodegradable fishing lines are, the biodegradable net is found to need less time to work on than the conventional one as it is easier to take fish off the biodegradable nets. The survey also shows with less damage on nets by crab, the biodegradable net lasts 1.3 time longer. Conclusively, the biodegradable net is proved to be more favored by fishers. The fishing line is expected to be more popular with lower cost.


▶ The government thus decided to subsidize fishers who will join a pilot program across the whole nation to adopt the new fishing nets 20% what it additionally costs to change to the biodegradable fishing lines.


The subsidy is expected to save the fishing community about 1-2 million won (USD770-1530) annually to purchase fishing gears and at the same time contribute to conservation of ocean ecosystem and fisheries resources.