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Press Release

National Institute of Fisheries Science
This is a table provided by the National Fisheries Science Institute.
Steller Sea Lion Spotted in the East Sea
Author administrator Date 2010-07-07 Read 1,957
제목 없음

East Sea Fisheries Research Institute of NFRDI reported June 21, 2010 that          researchers conducting fisheries survey on the coast of Uljin, a city on Korea’s East coast spotted a small female Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) near the port of Hupo.

·         Eumetopias jubatus (Order: Carnivora, Family: Otariidae) features the biggest size among the species in the Order of Carnivora. A male grows as long as 3.3m and as heavy as 1 ton while a female 2.5m and 273 kg. The animal wears bright brown and turns dark brown when wet.  

·         It is known that Steller sea lion is distributed throughout the world ranging from north Japan to mid California and spawns around islets in northern Pacific in May through July and after spawning the juveniles migrate away.   

·         According to the sight survey, the spotted sea lion is estimated to be a 1.5 m female. It is very rare that this species appears on the East coast though there was a case that a few sea lions were spotted near the islands of Dokdo and Ulneung in the East Sea last February and May.

·         NFRDI judged that the occurrence of Steller sea lion in the East coast might signal that the East coast provides favorable environmental conditions and food to marine mammals like fur seals and Steller sea lion as well as whales.   

·         In addition, the institute and other related organizations made joint efforts to raise awareness among fisheries of the importance of Steller sea lion and made an advice to fishers not to do any harm on this rare species while fishing activity.

·         Steller sea lion is listed under the group of orange grade among the endangered species registered by the Ministry of Environment, Rep. of Korea. An illegal catch of the species will be punished upon.