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Press Release

National Institute of Fisheries Science
This is a table provided by the National Fisheries Science Institute.
NIFS developed the device to carefully release the cetacean bycatch in set net
Author Research Cooperation Division Date 2023-07-18 Read 239

NIFS said it had developed and is in the middle of the final performance test of the device to release bycaught cetacean safely without damaging set nets. Most marine mammals, including cetacean, are the representative marine protected species that should not be caught or injured intentionally in accordance with the marine ecosystems act. 

However, the bycatch of small whales (under 5m) occurs frequently in set nets on the coastal areas, which makes fishermen struggle with releasing the marine mammal.

In addition, the US plans to implement regulations for the import of fish and fisheries products into the United States starting January 2024, in accordance with the provision of Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), requiring imported fisheries products should not be captured in fishing gear where marine mammal bycatch occurs.

In response, NIFS has gradually developed various devices* since 2017 that can protect marine mammals from major fishery where the bycatch can occur.

*Stow net, Set net, Trawl: Escape device for marine mammals  /  Fish pots, Gill net: Buoy line for the reduction of marine mammal bycatch

The device developed this time is to protect marine mammals from set nets, with a large zipper attached on the top of the fishing nets, allowing cetacean to escape easily without damaging set nets. Since the December of last year, NIFS has tested and improved the durability, convenience, practicality, etc. of the device by installing the device on set nets in the east coast of Korea. NIFS also plans to distribute the device to fishing household from next year.