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Press Release

National Institute of Fisheries Science
This is a table provided by the National Fisheries Science Institute.
NIFS published a white paper over 30-year history for conserving marine life species
Author Research Cooperation Division Date 2023-12-07 Read 135

NIFS announced that it published a white paper over 30-year history for conserving marine life species for the first time in Korea, laying out the concept, value, and standard of marine life species conservation. In the white paper are results of NIFS research on 89 species of marine lives, including fish(59), shellfish(15), crustacea(4), echinoderm(4), and seaweed(7) over the past 30 years from 1993 to 2022 by item, and it explains the direction and role of research on conservation of marine life species. 

It also suggests the need of species conservation research by building utility value for use and conservation value for sovereignty over marine life resources in Korea, and the global concept of species conservation through global trend analysis. 

As a part of proactive public administration to raise public awareness of the conservation of marine life species, NIFS distributed the white paper to universities, local governments and relevant organizations, national and public libraries, etc. across the country, as well as posted it on the official website ( for access convenience.