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Press Release

National Institute of Fisheries Science
This is a table provided by the National Fisheries Science Institute.
This summer will also see the increased frequency of shark emergence in the East Sea
Author Research Cooperation Division Date 2024-06-25 Read 52

NIFS announced that this summer is projected to see the frequent emergence of big shark in the East Sea, following last year. 

Such projection was made by an estimation that the shark flew into coastal areas in the East Sea while chasing the food like warm current fish species - yellowtail, horse mackerel and spanish mackerel - whose catch in the sea increased due to rising sea water temperature. 

Since the start of this year, the East Sea Fisheries Research Institute of NIFS conducted an analysis of stomach contents of 11 big sharks - incidentally caught in the set nets in Gangwon and Gyeongbuk and found various warm current fish species including yellowtail, filefish, squid, etc. 

In addition, the recent yellowtail catch in the East Sea jumped about 430% from average 1,265 tonnes (1994-2003) to average 6,709 tonnes (2014-2023). 

Amid a surge in shark sightings last year, the Institute has been conducting an ecological research to clarify the status of big sharks and their main feed source. 

Moreover, it will conduct an in-depth research on the shark distribution in the East Sea by analyzing the eDNA with the college of Veterinary Medicine Kangwon National University. 

Fishermen reported 14 shark bycatch this year, and the report of last year was concentrated in July to August. Given the fact, it is projected that the emergence report in summer will increase.